Till Time’s a flyin’ (she says as she blares her Xmas mix cd lol) Got a form R in the mail on one of my …
October 2005
Things To Do When Your Muse Up and Leaves…
~ Watch every NHL game shown on NHL Centre Ice (check)~ google pictures of John Cena (check)~ catch up on laundry (check)~ tackle tbr pile …
Random Thoughts…
~Pondering signs of he’s just not that into you or vice versa. If you know any, let me know :o) ~Making a list of things …
Blah Blah Blah…
I’ve been away from the blogworld for a few days. What can I say, my computer doesn’t like how cold my desk gets sometimes and …
I’ve been tagged…
Nell tagged me :o) I’m supposed to go to my blog archive and the twenty-third post or nearest it (so I get to go back …
Here We Go…
After the discovery that even though we had a confirmation email, we weren’t hooked up to Centre Ice, a 40 minute wait on hold began …
October Ramble Bamble
So far, I’d say October isn’t half bad. :o)Went out last night for a little while. Decided to reward myself today and go to Wal-Mart …