Happy New Year

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Happy 2013 everyone!!

It seemed like 2012 raced by in a blur. I honestly don’t remember much from September onwards, it just kept moving so quick. It’s like one day it was summer, then it was Halloween and then there was snow on the ground and Christmas. I’m hoping 2013 slows down a bit so I can catch my breath. 🙂

My one big new year’s resolution is to slow down. I definitely pushed myself too hard the last few months (which may be why I don’t remember much) and now I’m paying for it with a cold that won’t go away. Spent most of December just plain exhausted. So to keep that from happening again I’m limiting myself to a certain number of workshops for the year and if I reach that number by mid summer, well then I’m not allowed to take any after, no matter what they are. Hopefully that’ll give me some breathing room and no more crazy six workshop in a month repeats.

I’d also like to fit in my last parapsych course this year if I can so that should help if I can carve out the time for that.

The big goal for this month is to get the trailer finally done for IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES. I keep tweaking it and with the last nero update, it suddenly won’t let me import my file. Hoping support comes up with a solution soon for that one. 🙂


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